Mark Cuban is a successful entrepreneur and film producer. Recently Big Think published his excellent '12 mantras for success'.

At #2 in the list was 'random acts of kindness', the idea that 'giving something back' can you make you more successful.

It is too easy to lose sight of the simple and profound power of kindness. In these small acts of compassion, we find the true essence of humanity shining through.

Today, I invite you to embark on a journey of giving back, as I present a curated list of ways to spread kindness. From the mundane to the impactful, each suggestion serves as a reminder of the impact we can have by being kind.

If you're looking for inspiration to brighten someone's day or infuse positivity into your own day, I encourage you to explore these ideas.

Together, let's create a ripple effect of compassion that reaches far and wide.

Forty Random Acts of Kindness

  1. Hold the door open for someone.
  2. Compliment a stranger.
  3. Get in touch with someone.
  4. Leave a positive note on a colleague's desk.
  5. Offer to help someone carry their shopping.
  6. Send a handwritten letter to a friend or family member.
  7. Volunteer at a local charity or organisation.
  8. Donate clothes or food to a homeless shelter.
  9. Offer to babysit for a friend or neighbour.
  10. Pay for the coffee of the person behind you in line.
  11. Offer to walk a neighbour's dog.
  12. Leave a generous tip for your server.
  13. Offer to mow your neighbor's lawn.
  14. Say "thank you" to someone who doesn't hear it often.
  15. Let someone go ahead of you in line.
  16. Send flowers to someone who could use a pick-me-up.
  17. Leave spare change in a vending machine for the next person.
  18. Donate blood.
  19. Offer to help someone with their homework or studies.
  20. Send a care package to a friend who lives far away.
  21. Write 3 positive reviews for local businesses online.
  22. Leave a kind note in a library book for the next reader.
  23. Offer to tutor someone in a subject you're good at.
  24. Leave a generous tip for your barista.
  25. Offer to drive a friend to the airport.
  26. Offer to run errands for a neighbour.
  27. Give up your seat on public transport.
  28. Offer to help someone move or pack for a move.
  29. Share your umbrella with someone on a rainy day.
  30. Offer to fix something for a friend or neighbour.
  31. Bring medicine or soup to a sick friend or family member.
  32. Offer to teach someone a new skill or hobby.
  33. Donate your old books to a local library.
  34. Offer to mentor someone who could benefit from your experience.
  35. Plant a tree or flowers in a public space.
  36. Offer to help organize a community event.
  37. Share your knowledge by teaching a free workshop or lunch and learn..
  38. Offer to help someone with their CV or job search.
  39. Pay for a stranger's meal at a restaurant.
  40. Offer to listen to someone who needs to talk.
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