Daily Notes

Mastering Prioritisation 1: The Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix is a great methodology for prioritisation of tasks. I explain how it works, and how you can use it to power up your productivity.
Matt 3 min read
Mastering Prioritisation 1: The Eisenhower Matrix
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters / Unsplash

I had a great email this week, asking me how I determine the most important thing to be doing next.  I thought it might be useful to refresh on some useful prioritisation methods.   

I'm starting with an old favourite. 

The Eisenhower Matrix

Named after the 34th President of the US, the Eisenhower Matrix is a simple yet powerful tool.  It's designed to help you cut through the clutter and focus on what truly matters.  

Understanding the Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix is a framework that categorises tasks based on their urgency and importance.  Using this framework, you can make decisions about the priority of a task. 

It consists of four quadrants:

The four quadrants break down as follows:

DO. Tasks that are both urgent and important fall into this quadrant. They need immediate attention and should be tackled first. These should be your #1 priority. I recommend a regular Pomodoro session to clear these tasks down. 

DECIDE. Tasks that are important but not urgent belong here. These tasks are significant for long-term goals and need proactive planning. As you identify these tasks, schedule the time to get them done. Many of these tasks will have deadlines, which can guide your planning.  I try to spend most of my time here, contributing to my goals. 

DELEGATE. Tasks that are urgent but not important go into this quadrant. While they may seem pressing, they often contribute little to your long-term objectives. These tasks can often be delegated, minimised or automated.  If you donโ€™t have a team, you can look to outsource these or use technology to automate them. 

DELETE.  Tasks that are not urgent nor important fit into this quadrant. These tasks are often distractions and should be avoided or minimised. 

Benefits of the Eisenhower Matrix

Clarity. The matrix provides a clear framework for evaluating tasks.  It eliminates ambiguity about what needs immediate attention and what can wait.

Prioritization. By categorizing tasks into four distinct quadrants, the matrix helps prioritize effectively. This ensures that important tasks are not overshadowed by urgent but less significant ones.

Time Management. By focusing on important tasks the matrix can help improve time management. If coupled with a focus on monotasking this leads to increased productivity.

Stress Reduction. With a clearer understanding of task priorities, you can reduce stress by tackling tasks in a more organised manner.

How to Use the Eisenhower Matrix

  1. List Your Tasks.  Start by listing all your tasks, whether they're work-related, personal, or household chores.   I recommend using a trigger list to help you. 
  2. Evaluate Each Task. Assess each task based on its urgency and importance. Place them in the corresponding quadrant of the matrix.
  3. Work with Intention.  Begin with tasks in the 'DO' quadrant. Tip: Use the Pomodoro Technique to work on these tasks.  Then move on to scheduled tasks in the 'DECIDE' quadrant. 
  4. Sweep Up. Tasks in the 'DELEGATE' or 'DELETE' quadrants can be tackled in regular sessions - they arenโ€™t important so you shouldnโ€™t be missing deadlines with them. I recommend evaluating these periodically to ensure they are not moving around your grid. 
  5. Review Regularly.  Periodically review and update your task list to ensure it remains aligned with your goals and priorities. I do this every Friday, as part of a weekly review process.

Potential Drawbacks of the Eisenhower Matrix

Overcomplication. Some readers may find the four-quadrant structure of the Eisenhower Matrix too complex. It is important to evaluate tasks quickly to avoid analysis-paralysis.  I've learned over time that my gut is right. 

Subjectivity.  Urgency and Importance are subjective to you and your role.  Tuning into the clock speed of your organisation can help reduce the subjectivity.  Knowing that you have specific deadlines will help ensure an objective approach. 

Inflexibility.  The rigid nature of a matrix may not accommodate all types of tasks or work style.  I have found that people in dynamic or creative roles can struggle with evaluating tasks. 


The Eisenhower Matrix offers a valuable framework for prioritising tasks and maximising productivity.  In practice, you can focus where it matters most. leading to greater efficiency and reduced stress. 

While the matrix isn't without its drawbacks, its benefits far outweigh its limitations. 

So why not give it a try?

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