Happy Monday! In the last two weeks, I’ve moved house and we’ve weathered two pretty hefty storms here in Dublin. I hope that I find you safe and well wherever you are.

Here’s your weekly dose of the Stuff that MattR’s, my weekly newsletter with links, articles and thinking that makes us all smarter.

Thank you for being here. If you received this email from a friend, and would like to subscribe, please go here.

I’m still Matt, lets get on with the Stuff that MattR’s…

  1. Monday Motivation : This week is one for ‘getting sh*t done’ - the Japanese art of GyShiDo will help you here. Six steps of common sense will give you transformative powers this week.
  2. Add to your toolbox : Count how many decisions you make this week, wouldn’t it be great to become better at them all? Actionable insights on how to become better at making every type of decision.
  3. We are all overwhelmed. Here is how to feel more in control. Personally, its information that overloads my brain - here is the practical advice the worked for me.
  4. Essential Stuff : A proven pathway to doing unique and meaningful work.
  5. TWIL : Antarctica is bigger than the whole of Europe, these maps compare these, and other masses of land.
  6. Do you know your Borkum from your Cavelli? I’ve spent a lot of time in Ikea recently, and then assembling stuff, but I had no idea there was valuable and rare Ikea furniture. I remember this bed though, which now changes hands at auction.
  7. You couldn’t make it up : Although AI can do it for you, Narrative Device is a tool that uses AI to generate a storyline from any two terms you give it.
  8. Turns out I am violet : I’m not sure I understand this Japanese site, but find your birthday - and it’ll give you a lovely colour.
  9. I’m a big fan of #14, and I definitely don’t agree with #1 - but this Rolling Stone magazine list of the 100 best music videos contains some absolute belters. Hit reply and tell me your favourite.
  10. Finally : Worldle - like Wordle, but you guess a country - and then the games gives you hints to how close you are. Turns out I’m OK at this one.

My aural gift for you this week is an album from 2020 that was recommended to me recently by a good friend (and subscriber). Black Feathers is by Sam Brookes, a singer/songwriter from Bristol. This has been on heavy rotation recently, and I think it’s been overlooked.

Smart stuff someone said:

The thing about pendulums we too easily forget in the darkest hours; they swing back. Right now, one is quietly supercharging its return.” Alain de Botton
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