Hey there!

Happy Monday, thank you for being my valentine!

Hereโ€™s your weekly dose of the Stuff that MattRโ€™s, my weekly newsletter with links, articles and thinking that makes us all smarter. If youโ€™re new here, Iโ€™m Matt, welcome aboard!

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Onwards with the Stuff that MattRโ€™sโ€ฆ

  1. Monday Motivation : This week should be the one that you implement this simple and dynamic method for consistent productivity. Just three steps, but I guarantee these really work.
  2. Add to your toolbox : 22 tiny mental health habits which can improve your life. Great ideas to add to your habit tracker.
  3. Should you stay inside your circle of competence? Some people may tell you to only take on projects that fall within your area of expertise, while others will advise you to get out of your comfort zone. Who is right?
  4. Essential Stuff : Four ways to build influence at work, no matter your job title.
  5. TWIL : An adult is made up of around 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion) atoms.
  6. Earth Restored : Just 24 people have travelled far enough to see the whole earth against a backdrop of space. Here are the pictures they took, newly restored.
  7. Shazam for bad singing : Midomi will recognise a song from you humming or singing a few lines. Itโ€™s pretty clever, and recognised me (badly) singing Easy on Me by Adele, and humming the riff from Gypsy Woman by Crystal Waters. Useful if you have an ear-worm that you cannot identify!
  8. Every day is a harvest : Google keep an archive of the little doodles you see on their homepage. Even with analytics.
  9. Geek History : This clever little site will help you relive operating systems of the past. Who can forget Windows XP, or this one, which gives me nightmares! There is an even more detailed archive here, but this is seriously for the geeks among us!
  10. Finally : Ten world landmarks, recreated in Lego. The Eiffel Tower would take 276,715,798,464 bricks to replicate!

My aural gift for you this week is a soundtrack, taken from the recent BBC drama โ€˜ The North Waterโ€™. Written by Tim Hecker this is a perfect accompaniment to the series set on board a whaling ship. Atmospheric, eerie and great music while you work.

Criticising is easy and fast. Creating is difficult and slow. The two hours you spent on a book or movie usually took to years to produce.
Anyone can tear down someone elseโ€™s work. The true test of insight is whether you can help them improve it or build something of your own.โ€ โ€“ Adam Grant (via Twitter)
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